Flexible and easy to handle, with countless applications.
Width x Length cm: 50 x 70
Thickness mm: 0,7
Front: Adhesive
Max working temperature: 80 °C
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: 34 g/cm2 *
Code: FMT070/ADES
7,52 €
Prices excluding VAT
Width x Length cm: 100 x 100
Thickness mm: 0,85
Front: White gloss PVC
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: 56 g/cm2 *
Code: FMT085BLX/1000
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Width x Thickness mm: 30 x 2
Length m: 30
Adhesive: Acrylic
Max working temperature: 80°C
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: >70 g/cm2 *
Code: PM30X2/1082
39,00 €
Front: White matte PVC
Code: FMT085BOX/1000
21,10 €
18,25 €
Width x Thickness mm: 25 x 2
Code: PM25X2/1082
40,20 €
Thickness mm: 0,5
Code: FMT060BL
9,48 €
Width x Thickness mm: 25 x 1.5
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: >55 g/cm2 *
Code: PM25X1.5/1082
30,30 €
Code: FMT060BO
Width x Thickness mm: 25 x 1
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: >43 g/cm2 *
Code: PM25X1/1082
27,90 €
Width x Thickness mm: 20 x 2
Code: PM20X2/1082
Thickness mm: 0,75
Front: Black
Code: FMT075X1000
16,39 €
Code: FMT075
4,45 €
Width x Thickness mm: 20 x 1.2
Code: PM20X1.2/1082
24,60 €
Width x Thickness mm: 50 x 3
Length m: 25
PVC + Cardboard: No
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: 50 g/cm2 *
Code: PM50CX25
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: >50 g/cm2 *
19,80 €
Width x Thickness mm: 40 x 3
Code: PM40CX25
Thickness mm: 0,4
Mat. Plastoferrite-Pull force: 26 g/cm2
Code: FMT040
3,20 €
Width x Thickness mm: 20 x 1
Code: PM20X1/1082
Width x Thickness mm: 35 x 3
PVC + Cardboard: Yes
Width x Thickness mm: 15 x 2
Code: PM15X2/1082
18,45 €
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